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The copyrighted, trademarked items contained in this website (including but not limited to data, text, graphics, images, audio or video) are the sole property of Shanghai Automobile Gear Works and relevant persons. The text, image, video or mirror contained in this website cannot be copied, reproduced, modified, broadcast, published, adapted, distributed or displayed in any way without the written consent of Shanghai Automobile Gear Works or relevant persons.


In order to offer accurate and timely information and content, Shanghai Automobile Gear Works shall reserve the right to occasionally change and update the material from the website.



It is Shanghai Automobile Gear Works policy to protect the privacy of the website's users and it will not publish, distribute, or divulge any data registered on this website, except in the following cases:

1) After getting authorization from the user.

2) Acting in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations.

3) Acting in accordance with a court or other judiciary decision or finding or an arbitration committee.

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5) Violation of the terms and conditions by a user, or behavior that damages the Shanghai Automobile Gear Works interests.



Shanghai Automobile Gear Works and its employees, affiliates, agents and any other representatives (hereinafter referred to as “relevant persons”) are not liable for decisions or actions resulting from the use of this website or its content, or for any direct, indirect, or other losses, including business disruption or data loss, resulting from the use of this website, no matter what the circumstances.


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Shanghai Automobile Gear Works is not liable for those entering other websites through the hyperlinks on this website and if a person enters another website, that person acknowledges that the website is not related to Shanghai Automobile Gear Works nor is it under Shanghai Automobile Gear Works control. Moreover, any link to other websites contained on this website, does not imply that Shanghai Automobile Gear Works recognizes or is liable for the content or use of that linked website. Always enter another website with caution to avoid damage from a computer virus or other destructive program.


Other commercial websites are not allowed to link to this website without Shanghai Automobile Gear Works permission. In visiting this website via a link from another website, the person acknowledges that it does not mean that Shanghai Automobile Gear Works recognizes or is liable for the content or use of the other website.


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6、Laws and jurisdiction

This website and its terms and conditions are governed by laws of the People's Republic of China. Any disputes concerning this website, contents, and terms and conditions are to be adjudicated by the People's Court in Shanghai, where the Shanghai Automobile Gear Works is located.



Copyrights 2017 Shanghai Automobile Gear Works